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Hauler Rack
Hauler Rack
Hauler Rack
Hauler Rack
Hauler Rack
Hauler Rack
Hauler Rack
Hauler Rack
Hauler Rack
Hauler Rack
Hauler Rack
Hauler Rack
Hauler Rack
Hauler Rack
Hauler Rack
Hauler Rack
Hauler Rack
Hauler Rack

Hauler Rack

145.00 €
Tax included.
Hauler Rack
Hauler Rack
Hauler Rack
Hauler Rack
Hauler Rack
Hauler Rack
Hauler Rack
Hauler Rack
Hauler Rack

Hauler Rack

145.00 €
Tax included.

The Hauler Rack is the Goldilocks of our front racks: big enough to carry a lot but small enough to let you maneuver the bike with ease, it’s just the right size for the Tern GSD, HSD, Quick Haul and Quick Haul Long. With an open design and convenient bungee cord, the Hauler Rack is ready to carry backpacks, boxes, and other bulky items. And with mounting holes on the base, you can easily bolt a crate to the rack for a semi-permanent solution for hauling groceries or smaller items.

* Chassis mounted, designed to carry up to 20 kg (44 lb)
* Goldilocks size: big enough to carry a lot, small enough not to hinder maneuverability
* Carries everything from large boxes to odd-shaped objects
* Includes four mounting holes, ideal for attaching crates
* Includes two rear-facing bottle cage mounts