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BioLogic Smart Bluetooth Speed ​​and Cadence Sensor
BioLogic Smart Bluetooth Speed ​​and Cadence Sensor
BioLogic Smart Bluetooth Speed ​​and Cadence Sensor
BioLogic Smart Bluetooth Speed ​​and Cadence Sensor
BioLogic Smart Bluetooth Speed ​​and Cadence Sensor
BioLogic Smart Bluetooth Speed ​​and Cadence Sensor
BioLogic Smart Bluetooth Speed ​​and Cadence Sensor
BioLogic Smart Bluetooth Speed ​​and Cadence Sensor

BioLogic Smart Bluetooth Speed ​​and Cadence Sensor

49.00 €
Tax included.
BioLogic Smart Bluetooth Speed ​​and Cadence Sensor
BioLogic Smart Bluetooth Speed ​​and Cadence Sensor
BioLogic Smart Bluetooth Speed ​​and Cadence Sensor
BioLogic Smart Bluetooth Speed ​​and Cadence Sensor

BioLogic Smart Bluetooth Speed ​​and Cadence Sensor

49.00 €
Tax included.

The BioLogic Speed ​​and Cadence Sensor uses Bluetooth Smart technology to transmit information to a Bluetooth Smart Ready device such as the iPhone 5/5s and iPhone 6/Plus and newer, allowing you to track your effort with a cycling app. The Speed ​​and Cadence Sensor works with many cycling apps that have a Bluetooth sync option, such as the BioLogic Bike Brain app for iPhone.

Works with iPhone 4s and later, as well as any Android with Android 4.3 or newer.

  • Allows you to measure pedaling speed and cadence from a single device
  • Bluetooth Smart (4.0) - Get real-time data, wirelessly and without any other devices - works with iPhone and most recent Android smartphones (Android 4.3 and later)
  • Energy efficient - Approximately 700 hours of runtime with a single battery.
  • Works with many cycling apps, including BioLogic Bike Brain for iOS.