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Captain's Chair gen 2 for HSD, Quick Haul and GSD
Captain's Chair gen 2 for HSD, Quick Haul and GSD
Captain's Chair gen 2 for HSD, Quick Haul and GSD
Captain's Chair gen 2 for HSD, Quick Haul and GSD
Captain's Chair gen 2 for HSD, Quick Haul and GSD
Captain's Chair gen 2 for HSD, Quick Haul and GSD
Captain's Chair gen 2 for HSD, Quick Haul and GSD
Captain's Chair gen 2 for HSD, Quick Haul and GSD
Captain's Chair gen 2 for HSD, Quick Haul and GSD
Captain's Chair gen 2 for HSD, Quick Haul and GSD
Captain's Chair gen 2 for HSD, Quick Haul and GSD
Captain's Chair gen 2 for HSD, Quick Haul and GSD
Captain's Chair gen 2 for HSD, Quick Haul and GSD
Captain's Chair gen 2 for HSD, Quick Haul and GSD
Captain's Chair gen 2 for HSD, Quick Haul and GSD
Captain's Chair gen 2 for HSD, Quick Haul and GSD
Captain's Chair gen 2 for HSD, Quick Haul and GSD
Captain's Chair gen 2 for HSD, Quick Haul and GSD

Captain's Chair gen 2 for HSD, Quick Haul and GSD

250.00 €
Tax included.
Captain's Chair gen 2 for HSD, Quick Haul and GSD
Captain's Chair gen 2 for HSD, Quick Haul and GSD
Captain's Chair gen 2 for HSD, Quick Haul and GSD
Captain's Chair gen 2 for HSD, Quick Haul and GSD
Captain's Chair gen 2 for HSD, Quick Haul and GSD
Captain's Chair gen 2 for HSD, Quick Haul and GSD
Captain's Chair gen 2 for HSD, Quick Haul and GSD
Captain's Chair gen 2 for HSD, Quick Haul and GSD
Captain's Chair gen 2 for HSD, Quick Haul and GSD

Captain's Chair gen 2 for HSD, Quick Haul and GSD

250.00 €
Tax included.

A best-seller since its first release, the Captain's Chair is now enhanced with a wider seat cushion for more room to maneuver, longer side rails for added protection, and a dedicated space to carry more stuff. Still the best seat in the house, it lets big kids and adults alike ride with even more fun!

This product is designed to carry passengers or goods.

If you are carrying passengers, additional accessories are required for safety. Check out our Passenger Guide to learn more:


  • Extra wide seat cushion for a more comfortable sitting position
  • Longer side rails for use as handles or armrests
  • Additional rear bar for attaching a bag, basket or additional safety lights
  • Provides space for a box or crate when paired with Sidekick Joyride Bars
  • Designed to accommodate one adult passenger or two children on the GSD
  • Designed to fit a passenger on the HSD, Quick Haul and Short Haul