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Tern Commuting Softshell Jacket
Tern Commuting Softshell Jacket
Tern Commuting Softshell Jacket
Tern Commuting Softshell Jacket
Tern Commuting Softshell Jacket
Tern Commuting Softshell Jacket
Tern Commuting Softshell Jacket
Tern Commuting Softshell Jacket
Tern Commuting Softshell Jacket
Tern Commuting Softshell Jacket
Tern Commuting Softshell Jacket
Tern Commuting Softshell Jacket

Tern Commuting Softshell Jacket

59.00 €
Tax included.
Tern Commuting Softshell Jacket
Tern Commuting Softshell Jacket
Tern Commuting Softshell Jacket
Tern Commuting Softshell Jacket
Tern Commuting Softshell Jacket
Tern Commuting Softshell Jacket

Tern Commuting Softshell Jacket

59.00 €
Tax included.

Warning: This might be the only jacket you'll want to use for all your daily commutes. The Tern Commuting Softshell Jacket is a functional cycling jacket designed to look just... normal. Throw it on with your favorite pair of jeans and you're good to go!

The jacket is made with a windproof and breathable material that will also protect you from light rain. With its light-reflecting patterns and materials along the zipper, on the sleeves and on the back, this jacket is just as visible at night.

  • Thumbholes give you added protection on cooler days
  • Has 2 pockets with zipper
  • Men's cut with hood
  • Light -reflecting patterns and materials for better visibility at night