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Side Kick Wheel Guards for HSD and GSD
Side Kick Wheel Guards for HSD and GSD
Side Kick Wheel Guards for HSD and GSD
Side Kick Wheel Guards for HSD and GSD

Side Kick Wheel Guards for HSD and GSD

39.00 €
Taxes incluses.
Side Kick Wheel Guards for HSD and GSD
Side Kick Wheel Guards for HSD and GSD

Side Kick Wheel Guards for HSD and GSD

39.00 €
Taxes incluses.

The Sidekick HSD Wheel Guard is a pair of mesh covers that protect the feet of young passengers on the rear of the HSD, whether they are sitting on the Sidekick Seat Pad, the Captain's Chair, or on a child seat that doesn’t have footrest panels against the wheel. The design of the Sidekick HSD Wheel Guard also protects the rear passenger from having their shoelaces, coat, or skirt caught up in the rear wheel.